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Data Science Resource List :clipboard:

Learning new things has become more accesible now due to the plethora of material available online. This is particularly the case for Data Science and Machine Learning. Since I got interested in the field, I have come across a huge amount of learning material which I found immensely useful. This is an attempt to put them togther and make it accesible to others.
There are many wonderful resources which Professors have put up online and this is an attempt to catalogue these awesome resources. It also has been done by Prakhar onGithub, which is suited to Software Engineering, so the below list is an attempt to list down resources pertaining to Data Science and focussed more on R software language. I plan to add more Python Material going forward. Hope you find this list useful.

Made with :heart: by Vikesh. Say Hi!:wave:
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| Data Science/Statistics Books :books: | Cheatsheets :key: | Courses :computer: | |--- |--- |--- |

Data Science/Statistics Books :books:

Statistics Books :book:
Machine Learning Books :book:
DataViz Books :book:
R in Other Fields :book:
R Tool Books :book:
Other R resources

Cheatsheets :key:

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Courses :school: :computer:

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R Studio Online Tutorials

Programming with R Software Carpentry Foundation

Courses taught by Hadley Wickham H. Wickham

Statistics courses offered in Harvard Harvard University

PROB 140 Probability for Data Science UC- Berkeley :memo: :book: :computer:

CS 109 Probability for Computer Scientists Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

DS 101 Data Science 101 Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

CME/STATS 195 Introduction to R Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

Stat 48N Riding the data wave Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

MS&E 226 Small Data Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

DS100 Principles and Techniques of Data Science UC- Berkley :memo: :book: :computer:

Stats 200 Introduction to Statistical Inference Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

INFO 201A Technical Foundations of Informatics University of Washington :memo: :book:

STAT 405 Introduction to Data Analysis (using R, 2012) Rice University :memo: :book: :computer:

STAT 385 Statistics Programming Methods UIUC :memo: :book:

MY472 Data for Data Scientists LSE :memo: :book:

STAT 149 Generalized Linear Models Harvard University :memo: :book:

DSO 530 Applied Modern Statistical Learning Techniques Univ. of Southern California :memo: :book: :computer:

STAT 320 Design and Analysis of Causal Studies Duke University :memo: :book: :computer:

Statistics 585X Data Technologies for Statistical Analysis Iowa State University :memo: :book: :computer:

STATS 202 Data Mining and Analysis (using R) Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

STATS 203 Introduction to Regression Models and Analysis of Variance Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

6.S085 Statistics for Research Projects MIT :memo: :book: :computer:

Statistics 36-350 Statistical Computing: Spring 2018 Carnegie Mellon University :memo: :book: :computer:

Statistics 231 Statistical Learning Theory Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

Sta 323 Statistical Programming(2018) Duke University :memo: :book: :computer:

STATS 401 Applied Statistical Methods II University of Michigan :memo: :book: :computer:

Stats 531 Analysis of Time Series University of Michigan :memo: :book: :computer:

AGRON 590RD Data Stewardship for Earth Systems Scientists Iowa State University :memo: :book: :computer:

MPA 635 Data Visualization Brigham Young University. :memo: :book: :computer:

CME 252 Introduction to Optimization Stanford University :memo: :book: :computer:

CSC 321 Intro to Neural Networks and Machine Learning University of Toronto :memo: :book: :computer:

EECS 349 Machine Learning- Spring 2018 Northwestern University :memo: :book: :computer:

STAT 365/665 Data Mining and Machine Learning (uses R) Yale University:memo: :book: :computer:

TJ-ML TJHSST Machine Learning Thomas Jefferson High School :memo: :book: :computer:

Note: Great Initiative, that too from High School students @Mihir Patel

SIGIL Statistical Analysis of Corpus Data with R Postdam University :memo: :book: :computer:

CIS 419/519 Applied Machine Learning- Spring 2018 UPenn Engineering :memo: :book: :computer:

This course will introduce some of the key machine learning methods that have proved valuable and successful in practical applications. We will discuss some of the foundational questions in machine learning in order to get a good understanding of the basic issues in this area, and present the main paradigms and techniques needed to obtain successful performance in application areas such as natural language and text understanding, speech recognition, computer vision, data mining, adaptive computer systems and others. The main body of the course will review several supervised and (semi/un)supervised learning approaches. These include methods for learning linear representations, decision-tree methods, Bayesian methods, kernel based methods and neural networks methods, as well as clustering, dimensionality reduction and reinforcement learning methods.