Code / Summary of personal Projects
Project 1: Rise and Fall of Programming Languages: Analyze the relative popularity of programming languages over time based on Stack Overflow data
, ggplot2
, stringr
Project 2: Wrangling and Visualizing Music Data: Wrangle and visualize musical data to find common chords and compare the styes of different artists
, ggplot2
, stringr
Project 3: Creating Geometric Shapes using ggplot2: Using ggplot to create geometric patterns found in nature
Project 4: Visualizing Inequalities in Life Expectancy: Comparison of Life Expectancy across countries and genders with ggplot2
, ggplot2
Project 5: Candy Crush Game Analysis: Analysing data from the mobile hit game Candy Crush Saga
, ggplot2
, stringr
Project 6: Visual History of Nobel Prize Winners: Exploring dataset from Kaggle containing a century's worth of Nobel Laureates
, ggplot2
Project 7: Data Science for Social Good: Crime Study: Leverage publicly available data to interpret crime patterns within the city of San Francisco.
, ggplot2
and ggmap